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About Me

Born in Ontario, Canada, I had a rather different childhood than most people. My experiences as an adult have also been somewhat different from other people's experiences. That sounds like the beginning of a novel. At least, that's what I thought at the age of ten when I decided I would be a writer.

In 1979, I released To A Young Horse (Borealis), my first book of poetry, followed by The Body Labyrinth (Coach House) in 1984. I also joined the League of Canadian Poets in 1982. At the first AGM I attended Bronwen Wallace and Erin Moure suggested I run for Chair of the Feminist Caucus. I had a different idea of feminism, believing men needed to be included or it would always be an us/them situation. On the heels of The Body Labyrinth I released two audio tapes: Tape 5 (Gallery 101 Productions, 1985) and Black Moths (Public Energies, 1986). By now, I was firmly immersed in the world of creative writing in Canada, penning poems, stories, articles and book reviews, though I wasn't publishing any of my stories. That was odd, because I thought of myself as a novelist in the making.


I first strayed from my focus on writing when I earned my B.A. (Indigenous Studies, Laurentian), followed by a B.Ed (P/J focus, U of T), rounded out with a Certificate in Magazine Journalism (Ryerson), and then a thesis-focused M.Ed (Indigenous Education, York) and finally a D.Ed (Indigenous Education, UBC). At one point I felt like the eternal student. I realized my writing had been changed dramatically by my involvement in academia and worried I'd never recover my true creative spark.


When I was hired as an elementary school teacher, it set my writing career even further aside. Being a teacher consumed me. However, in January 2006 I created an international E-Zine called Big Pond Rumours as a way of staying in touch with my passion for writing, I also released a chapbook called Black Moths (BPR Press, 2006). I retired from teaching in 2016 to focus on my writing and released two other chapbooks: The Great Hoop Dance (BPR Press, 2016) and Odyssey and Other Poems (BPR Press, 2017). Unfortunately, I found that reviving my creative writing career was not fully accomplished until I retired my beloved E-Zine in 2019.


I have since released four full-sized books. In 2019, Naming The Shadows (The Porcupine's Quill), a collection of short fiction, and a cross genre history called The Name Unspoken: Wandering Spirit Survival School (Big Pond Rumours Press) were published. This was followed in 2020 by Stars in the Junkyard (Cyberwit), a double-sized collection of poetry, and Before The Heart Went Down: Selected Poems by Robert Billings (Cyberwit) which includes 12 previously uncollected works.


I am now working on at least four more books, though not all at once. There is my debut novel, Tell That To Picasso, which I have just sent out to make its round with various publishers. I've also just sent out my 4th poetry manuscript on a hunt for publication. Plus, I am in the process of collecting enough stories for a second collection of short fiction, and I've got a Youth novel composed of linked stories. To date, my work has been published all across Canada, in the USA, Mexico, Wales, England, the Netherlands, India, Germany, Singapore, and Australia.


Above, that is me with my Mom at about nine months old.


Below is a photograph from our summer holidays on Musselman Lake in Ontario. I am sitting beside Mom, with Cathi and Daniel in behind us.

Below, this is me on a beach in Ontario in 2018. Photo by:

Tom Gannon Hamilton

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© Sharon Berg    

97 Main St., Charlottetown

P.O. Box 128

Newfoundland, Canada, A0C 1L0

sharonberg dot author at gmail dot com


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